Questions & Answers

What is hynotherapy?

Hypnotherapy aims to guide a person's imagination to facilitate change in perceptions, feelings, thoughts and behaviours.

In your hypnotherapy session your therapist will discuss the therapeutic goals you aim to achieve and the alterations and transformations you wish to make. Your therapist will ask you about your medical history, overall health and lifestyle and will use this information to collaboratively decide on the best approach to help achieve your therapeutic or performance goals.

When can hypnotherapy help?

Hypnotherapy may be useful for clients aiming for change or seeking relief from a variety of problems. Hypnotherapy complements a client's own willpower and motivation to achieve a desired aim. Hypnotherapy is generally used to support clients with relief from anxiety, stress, assist sleep and relaxation, and to support other problems.

Clients might also seek hypnotherapy to help with issues such as bed-wetting, attitudes to body/weight/food or diet, or to assist with achieving behavioural adjustments to give up smoking. Clients might also seek hypnotherapy to help with minor conditions of the skin that are made worse by stress or confidence problems. Hypnotherapy may also be of benefit for clients looking to improve their performance in arenas such as sport, or speaking/performing in public. As a talking therapy, clients may also seek out hypnotherapy for help in coping with or managing the relief of perceived pain.

Not all of the frequent uses of hypnotherapy are well-evidenced by good quality academic and scientific research. As a complementary health therapy, the effectiveness of some of the intended applications of hypnotherapy are better evidenced than others. Some applications are supported only by mixed or weak evidence. Clients are advised to choose a qualified hypnotherapist who will work with them openly, honestly and collaboratively, assisting them to make an informed choice about which approach will be best for them.

How do I choose a hypnotherapist?

It is recommended that clients choose qualified hypnotherapy practitioners who have undertaken the necessary training to understand the theory and practice of the field.

Before choosing a hypnotherapist, clients can check whether a practitioner is registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) by searching the CNHC register. CNHC works with a number of hypnotherapy professional associations to verify the details of practitioners' training, insurance and experience and to confirm that practitioners/therapists are eligible for registration.

By choosing complementary health practitioners registered with the Complementary & National Healthcare Council (CNHC), prospective clients can be confident their therapist is properly qualified, insured, and accredited on a register recognised by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.

A successful partnership between you and your therapist is not just about qualifications and membership of professional bodies. It's also important your therapist is someone you feel comfortable working with. Don't be afraid to approach your potential therapist with any questions or concerns you might have, they will most likely welcome the interest and be ready and happy to answer any queries you might have.

Can hypnotherapy help with serious medical conditions?

Clients seeking treatment for depression, addiction, eating disorders, and other serious mental health or psychological conditions should consult their GP, medical specialist (medical doctor), or appropriately qualified mental health professional. For serious conditions, clients are encouraged to seek a medical diagnosis and medical supervision. The practice does not offer or promote hypnotherapy treatment for serious mental health /psychological or serious medical conditions.

Hypnotherapy may enhance the overall wellbeing of clients with serious mental health or serious medical conditions, but should not be considered an appropriate primary treatment in these cases. Hypnotherapy may be beneficial for clients managing issues such as anxiety, sleep, or discomfort that go along with a serious medical condition, provided that they are seeking medical help and proper supervision for the condition itself.